Hope is consumed with grief and Alaric tries to console her. There were wonderful parts of her father, but worries she may have all the other parts, too. All she sees is her making it worse, and everything reminds her of Landon. And today we'll be opening our doors to the next class of supernatural beings to teach them to be heroes, too.Hope in Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay? Landon encourages her as she leaves, that she doesn't need a locator spell. He didn't lie to her about anything. Lizzie didn't want Hope to endure the transition to a tribrid, hoping they could find another way to defeat Malivore. He attacks her and they begin to fight. Maybe even kill him, if they're lucky. He's not Landon and casts a sleeping spell on him. The real name of Hope Mikaelson is Danielle Rose Russell. Lizzie casts an illusion spell to make her appear like herself, as opposed to Aurora. Once a Mikaelson, always a Mikaelson. She doesn't need anything from her humanity. She and Lizzie continue to argue until Landon and Cleo intervene. How much the good outweighs the bad. Landon picks up on some weird tension between them and Hope reveals to him that she tried to guilt Josie into taking her magic back to open the portal to try and save him. She's just like every other Mikaelson she's come across. I'm a Mikaelson witch.Hope in High Water and a Devil's Daughter. After a few months apart, they were reunited. In This is What It Takes, Hope finds herself at the Salvatore School wherein she interrupts a party being thrown in celebration of the Necromancer's defeat. Landon collapses on the ground and Hope is overwhelmed with emotion and then, nothing. Hope pushes Rebekah to finish her drink. Ryan continues to worry, but eventually agrees and wraps the transfusion braid on his wrist. They're going to hunt some condescending vampires. As she waits for the walk down in the street, she wonders where everyone is and Freya tells her about her father's astral projection, while Vincent and Marcel should be there. Aurora finds her hypocrisy adorable as it's clear she's planned to cheat and laid a trap for him. Rebekah steps out of Rousseau's, reassuring her that everything lost, can be found. She is forgiving to MG when she thought he killed her boyfriend Landon. Sadly, they've lost one of their best warriors. While her father and family are in the Chambre de Chasse, she performs a spell to extract the Hollow from them and into herself. She asks if he's going to be okay, but he turns the question on her. He takes the Hollow from her and, after spending precious moments together where she promises to make the Mikaelson name proud and be okay, Klaus gives her a kiss. Despite their attempts, Malivore arrives after his consciousness was alerted to the disruption. That was destroyed in order to raise the Hollow. They then make a pact, Hope will help Lizzie reconcile with Josie and in exchange Lizzie will help Hope fix her relationship with Landon. Landon hasn't slept well since Malivore, but didn't want to worry her. Cami looks at her shocked. Hope returns to the dock, finding that the Ferryman has also returned. Ken is still confident in his abilities as this changes nothing. Clarke agrees, admitting that Malivore is trying to expel her, but he will not allow Clarke to go and therefore closes the vortex each time he attempts to escape with her. Hope's concerns are not alleviated, however and to get Alaric out of the way, she traps him within the simulation he himself created. In What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?, Hope is overprotective of Landon who is the only notable human to attend the school and is keeping his mother's death a secret from him as he believes they haven't ever met. Hope mocks her, retorting she now knows why her father daggered her all the time. Landon tries to plead with Hope, but eventually concedes to let her run her tests. They'll face Ken together. It temporarily douses the magma, but it quickly reignites. They embrace in a final kiss goodbye as Hope stabs Landon through the heart with her blood sword. The two are shocked to find that the creature is gone, hinting to the fact that it is not a troll. The first star bursts into flames and Wade is ushered off the stage. During the party, Hope stands in front of Alaric and the students, including MG, Lizzie, Finch, and Jed preparing a speech. However, the blade changes into the Trident, the cloaking spell having worn off. He retorts that should she get free, then hopefully he and Lizzie will be long gone and rushes out of one of the many doors, leaving Hope trapped. She is the daughter of original vampires, Klaus and Hayley and the child of prophecy. Hope fights Greg one-on-one, but Hope easily overpowers him, flipping a pool table on top of him. She tells her that she did too little too late, but she can do more. He wants to give this to her and asks why she needs to see her dad and wonders if it's worth losing yet another piece of him. Cami decides to take Hope out of the house. With his great power, Ken kicks Hope around like a ragdoll, but doesn't understand why she won't die. She's worried about him, but returning from the prison world is a lot for him. Josie taught her not to be a lone wolf, which is a cover for her codependency and another star is engulfed in fire. None of the other students have come back and they have a squad meeting. However, all she had to do was let herself be with him. Hope is concerned when Alaric suggests trapping Josie within another simulation, given she controlled the previous one. She becomes angry with him. Hope intends to change the rules of Limbo and asks if he's with her. She thought he was leaving tomorrow, but that's the reason he's leaving now, while everyone's asleep. Lizzie knows, but now all she is, is hungry. They join hands in a circle of branches and other herbs and as they cast, the nearby Cherry trees begin to blossom. Reading over the lyrics, she becomes furious that he used her dad's letter despite asking him not to involve her family. Overcome with emotions, she nearly loses control of her magic, which would have exposed the school, but Lizzie steps in, again, and hugs her, covering her near outburst. That night, Alaric packs up his Jeep, but not before being stopped by Hope. She was so angry and mad at Hope and not because she hated her. Hope brushes this off, as he didn't have a choice. Ethan eventually appears on screen and greets her from Peace. With a booming voice, he demands for them to hand over his traitorous daughter. This song encompasses everything he believes about love and death. He knows her and suggests that she doesn't go through this alone. She suggests they summon a cherub, but Lizzie is adamant on summoning a pixie, as they grant wishes. Landon suggests that he should go on without her and, despite her reserves, Hope agrees. After the departure of the twins, she wants to help with research but Alaric refuses, not having enough information he refuses to involve anyone. Rebekah has prided herself as the fun aunt. Lizzie asks about her notes, though Aurora refuses to elaborate on their meaning. Humanity-less Hope questions why she just won't go away, but Hope tells her it's because she is her father's daughter. Furthermore, as a possessor of the werewolf gene, Hope will experience bouts of severe aggression. She doesn't know if she can handle what comes after. However, in season two's The Brothers That Care Forgot, Esther had found Rebekah whilst she is with Hope at the park, this is signified by the presence of starlings. Hope has had enough tests, though. Before she can bite her wrist, Aurora stops her and tells her that it won't work. On the way back to the house, Hope stops the car engine and seconds later the house goes up in flames. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Hope is with Mary and Hayley in the apartment. On a surface level, she needs to figure out where his final resting place should be because the school is no longer an option. She just wanted to see what would happen, if she could see fear in her eyes. He tells what happened in Maryland and they find MG who's wounded in the woods, Rafael would have bit, it's also when seeing MG that Rafael remembers everything. Landon acts as if he was the Necromancer as she and him rehearse the conversation. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. Lizzie attempts to talk her way out of it, but Hope won't hear it. Hope reassures her that hey will find a way to activate her powers, and when they do, they'll have something they've never had in their fight against Malivore. Maybe after they find Aurora, Lizzie wonders if Hope might not release the sire bond, believing she's not ready to face the world alone. She and Landon later lock Rafael in the back of the trunk before consulting Alaric. Ryan believes she blew up his relationship, job, and life so he wouldn't have anywhere else to turn but her, as she doesn't want to be alone. It means that he's not able to bring him to her, but he got to thinking. As a child she has long auburn hair and light blue eyes. Eventually, when Malachai Parker visits the school under the guise of an old friend of Alaric's, he tells her that she can help, and she reluctantly agrees. Wade questions about the potential death should they help her, but Hope reiterates that some would die, or it could be all of them. In kind, he tells the Ferryman to let him talk to her. Picking her up by the throat, he throws her into the school gates, impaling her in the stomach. Hayley says that when she was being attacked, she wasn't just protecting herself, she was protecting her child and she didn't want to let anyone hurt it. Hope intends to stay for the meeting organized by MG. Malivore has Cleo and she is the goal. She asks Hayley and Elijah to tell Klaus that she is sorry. Hope confirms that the locator spells haven't worked and Malivore must be cloaking himself. Hope discovers Lizzie talking with Cleo, knowing her plan was to summon a monster behind her back. She quickly tires of MG's attempts to turn her humanity on but endures the school's efforts because of their pact. Ken easily stops it, unaffected by Kaleb's assault. Agatha can't, otherwise she'll be just as dead and shows her own Triad sigil on her thigh. Hope will have to listen to her humanity to win. Hope finds MG in the woods, dying of a werewolf bite from the night when he killed Landon, and activating his phoenix powers. Hope commends Josie for her smart move, but playing the weak defenseless Josie card isn't going to work either. She proposes that she doesn't have to feel any of that. He tells her that despite their differences there is no one that he would trust more with the life of his daughter. She looks around and wonders where all her mother's friends are, getting upset about many things. If she scatters him here and the school shuts down, then they're just going to be ripped apart again, so she doesn't know what to do. In the prison world, she and Landon traverse the post-apocalyptic hellscape that was Mystic Falls. Hope believes he doesn't trust her but he reminds her that she is still her father's daughter, no matter how much power she'll have. Now it's time for them to go to war. In A Closer Walk With Thee, Klaus goes to Father Kieran O'Connell's funeral. Once the protection spell is cast, Hope and Josie talk about what is bothering her, and Josie tells Hope that she doesn't know why Clarke chose her, but Hope tells her that she is stronger than she thinks. If she lets her out, she'll make it all go away. The prison world is crawling with monsters, and if the leprechaun was any indication, more might be coming. Alaric notes that his body and brain are still having trouble syncing up because of what she had done to him. He says that he would struck down anyone who would dare to wish her harm. So much so that he'll say anything to try and get him to turn on them. As the night of the musical approaches, Hope continues to push away everything that deals with the musical, isolating herself in her room. Hope is now ready. She's placed her under a sleeping spell and waiting for her to starve and die. As with the other monsters, this is the pattern they've established after the monsters have gotten what they want. When she sits up, it's looking back at herself; her humanity. When Landon chose Hope instead of Josie, their dynamic grew awkward. Hope stabs the spear into the ground next to her body, telling her that is not all he was capable of. Hope manages to lure Kai away to an abandoned warehouse, however he realizes and a fight breaks out between the two. Her humanity believes otherwise, and bashes her up against a concrete block. Kaleb nominates Cleo to join their super squad, though Landon questions where all the other students are at. Hope also has a backup plan. Hope calls him pathetic, believing he's incapable of doing what needs to be done. According to Dahlia, firstborns of her family's bloodline inherit great power; however, it is unstable and will damage and, ultimately, kill the witch if they are not taught to contain it. The way she lived her life earned her the option of finding peace when she died. Landon comes too and claims to remember everything, and claims he's not who she thinks he is. The two are killed multiple more times as they attempt to gather clues, but eventually realize that they are trapped in an alternate version of the 80s, where magic does not work. MG, Kaleb, and Jed appear by their sides, joining them as well. Cleo abhors violence, but she panicked when it was going to harm Alaric. She joins him as he leads her away from the dock. Josie performs the transfusion ritual and Hope sits on the sidelines, talking to Alaric. The memories are overwhelming for her and she completely loses control of her magic, and sends a shockwave of magic throughout the room, knocking the students through the air and unconscious. Alaric reminds her that they know nothing about fighting gods, but Hope has already taken the liberty of inviting Professor Vardemus to the school. They can't afford to do anything reckless. Product, daughter actually, of Niklaus Mikaelson and I promise you I 'm a Mikaelson and M They embrace in a hug and eventually catch up. Hope is no longer hiding and demands to know where she can find the werewolf and vampire she's working with so she can have this conversation with them, too. Lizzie drops the illusion spell, prepared for Hope to stab Aurora and get her body back. Rebekah was devastated by her niece cutting her out of her life. Alaric suggests that Hope leave the hunting to him as he has more experience, but she shrugs him off. They all have something in stake. At the dock, Hope speaks aloud, wishing he was here. Already annoyed, Hope threatens to turn this into Survivor if people begin to sing, alarming some of the surrounding students. Hope would rather skip to the end of the morbid family reunion. Hope believes that her fate is sealed and doomed to become a fully activated tribrid. Josie's trick didn't work, but she figured that. The girls continue to have a strong friendship and mutual connection, with Josie ensuring Hope didn't feel alone before her transition into a tribrid. Hope tells Alaric that he will return at sun down to help him dispose of the creature. Alaric promises to keep it in the Saltzman name and points to Caroline. Eventually, Hope is forced to come to terms with what she has lost and decides that they should no longer go looking for Landon at the expense of other people's happiness. He wants their daughter to be raised by her parents in her family home. Not finding him, she uses a locator spell and finds him on the docks. Sometime later, she and Roman talk again and she kisses him since she may not make it from binding her werewolf gene. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. She calls him pathetic, but he was just thinking that about her. Malivore attempts to hide within a train car, barring the doors, but Hope is there, waiting for him in wolf form. Hope has bad news. Later that night, Hope joins Landon and Wade to play D&D. However, she doesn't have time for this session, she's busy tracking a new monster that walked on the grounds. Later, Lizzie bumps into Hope in the hallway. Another car drives in and Rebekah steps out of it. Hope refuses to wait, considering if MG hadn't lied in the first place, they would have had the time to prepare. Alaric believes that if they could talk to Lizzie, they can flip her back to their side. Cleo didn't believe anyone would come for her, but she and MG did. Realizing the gravity of her mistake Lizzie then recalls all of her wishes by wishing that Ablah never went to Malivore. She asks him to forget that she even asked; however, since he's here, she asks for something else. Though Lizzie is less enthusiastic, Hope decides to use this opportunity to make sure Lizzie can handle her new vampire powers. Vamping to a door, she leaves the chambre de chasse as the keys fall and scatter to the floor. She continues to lose control of her magic, but Kaleb reins her in. She warns her that she should stop acting like him, but Rebekah retorts that she should take her own advice. Hope retorts with a threat, but she disregards it, welcoming her home. Hope is also feeling something. Alaric also tries to mentor and convince Hope to step out of her comfort zone, as a father figure normally tried to do with their children. Hope confirms that he has and that once a challenge is issued, it can't be refused. With tears in her eyes, she turns to and thanks Landon. When he tries to talk to her, she tells him to go and pushes his astral projection out. She reveals that she can't let go of Landon without first checking Malivore and she can't get there without going through the prison world. Aurora explains that it was forged with god magic which renders her witchcraft useless. Hope agrees and, joining hands, the two cast incendia, setting Aurora's body on fire. In Into the Woods, Hope embraces Landon, though he doesn't understand how she's in Limbo. The spell fails and they're expelled from the therapy box. When they repeat a dance, she treats him of gigolo, vexed, he thanks her and suppose they will see at the party but Hope says will not preferred to stay alone in his bedroom, Rafael doesn't believe her because everyone needs a crew, they end up arguing, so he starts to leave the gym but is blocked because of a boundary spell, Penelope shows up, apologizing and saying that this is not personal and they will be free in an hour. Ken is impaled in the back by his own weapon. On the other hand, Klaus blissfully implied that Hope inherited his eyes. Now, they need her help to make the next move. In You Will Remember Me, Hope eventually finds the Triad Witch, lounging at her estate with a black candle in hand. Being a leader means getting your hands dirty and putting a blade through the chest of someone you love. She explains to Hope that this is not a nightmare, or a memory, or a head dive. The witch, Agatha St. Clair stands and casts the incendia against Hope, however, she quickly discovers she no longer can access her magic. But you didn't come.Hope to Klaus in One Wrong Turn On Bourbon. Unwilling to move, the spear stops just shy of her heart, surrounded in a yellow glow. Alaric agrees that he could have been more honest with them, but understands why he wasn't. Hope wonders what it said, but Lizzie hands her the letter because there's something in it for her as well. She responds that her daughter has one advantage Klaus never had, she will never know Mikael. Lizzie tells her she's in no shape to fight, but Hope refuses to listen. She calls out to them but no one answers and follows the figure to the docks; it's the Ferryman. The sky darkens and thunder rolls through the clouds. Maybe there's a God after all.Klaus: She has a hint of the Devil in her eyes that's all me.Klaus and Rebekah about Hope in From a Cradle to a Grave. Hope does feel something, though truthfully, it's boredom. Hope believes she's stronger than the darkness, and she'll be right by her side like last time. Lizzie wants to try another approach, though Hope is already thinking of something to do. As she's sitting outside Alaric's office, she sees Roman and gets a little nervous. Hope doesn't want to hear it. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. Between her and him. Saving someone is more important than anything else. Hope then turns the car's engine on again. Lizzie was sure that she'd change. Taking a break, Hope pours herself a drink but hears Ethan, invisible, behind her. Malivore, however, has no intention of letting that happen and to let her die. The complicated ancestry of her parents means that she is a tribrid, a combination of a werewolf, witch, and vampire. Their relationship comes to a low when Landon confesses to Pothos who he wrongly believes to be Cupid that he doesn't know why Hope chose him. inscribed grasping bludgeon. If she and her family are so powerful, she asks why she shut off her humanity and kept it off this entire time. Eventually, the Saltzmans return via Josie's spell, and Hope frantically rushes to find Landon. The three original bloodlines, all united under a single purpose. Feeling alone in the world, Hope goes to Alaric's office and confesses everything, revealing that she is in fact the daughter of Hayley Marshall-Kenner and Klaus, and a Mikaelson. While driving back to the school, Alaric asks how Landon and Hope know each other, and Hope tells him he used to serve her milkshakes. She also makes up with Landon. Clarke tells Hope that he can help her, but she rebukes him and uses a mimic spell, forcing him to leave her alone. She tells Lizzie that once she has her body back, she'll tell her something only she would know. Nature's way of telling her that she's overstayed her welcome and that it's time to die. Eventually, Alaric theorizes that Hope has not returned from her slumber because she is aware of Landon's situation and his reluctance to return from death. She subs Finch in Josie's spot. She's only getting started and demands to know where he sent Landon. After having buried the dragon, she joins Alaric at the car, he informs her that the boys have left and Landon gives her a letter of apology. Hope in wolf form stares at her father, who looks on her with a smile before witnessing her run into the forest. Lizzie's been avoiding everyone since her return, but he's gathered that she's helped Ben raise his father. Landon claims it as a moral victory, at least. MG places a candle down in his honor and vamps away. Hope Daniella Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former majorly recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Using the might of her physical powers, she kicks Ken through the air as Cleo raises the spear. She then comes in to talk to Landon. The defeat of Malivore triggered the arrival of the gods and Hope's humanity to shut-off. Hope awakens from the astral projection spell and stands in her cell, her humanity back in control. Alaric and Kaleb continue to keep their secrets, but Hope decides to take care of Malivore herself. Casting the incendia spell, she destroys the stake. Hope reasons that it cannot be destroyed and if she leaves it out in the open then people are going to come for it. Wade wants to know what the offer is, but Hope will only talk to Alaric, believing he'll be easier to manipulate. She doesn't want to be let out until she's sure that she's gone. Cleo figures this out, though the arrival of a new monster quickly descends upon them. He wants her to know thisshe will make mistakes in her life. Hope doesn't understand and asks what the weapon is. Maybe she will understand that if she ever chooses to become a parent. Her choice became difficult when Malivore allowed Landon to resurface and communicate with Hope. Hope Andrea Mikaelson Raeken is a main character and protagonist in Teen Wolf. Recent Posts. Legacies is the third CW series to take place in the popular Vampire Diaries universe, and the first to focus specifically on the character of Hope. Inside, she is given the role of a bar owner ironically named "Landons". The punished students arrive at the Town Square, Lizzie tries to find out what Hope has done but she doesn't say anything. Ben advances Ken to Hope, who sends in Cleo. Landon doesn't actually know that and Limbo's is kind of a big place. Lizzie is the distraction as Hope goes behind her to break her neck with a spell. Alaric and Hope return Malivore to his cage and learn that the transfusion ritual worked, but he was inspired by Cleo. Hope quips that it's kind of her thing, but Ken reassures her that nothing is unkillable and even she will prove a disappointing adversary. And as long as the baby lives people will try to kill her. Ryan is an orphan and only child now. Hope chimes in, telling her that they both made some really stupid and self-destructive choices and, instead of apologizing, she wants people to understand and excuse her. With Lizzie saved, Hope has a new test for her. Ben reminds her that he's impervious to magic and she cannot hold him here. This plan fails, however, when it is revealed that Landon is no longer a phoenix having been resurrected as a human. Hope is already familiar with him, having met when she transitioned into the tribrid. Agatha accepts her fate, death, but she tells her that there's no hiding from her fate. Landon attempts to intervene, but they both disagree, though Cleo points out that they won't need to summon anything because the next monster has already arrived. He emphasizes that she should worry about having him a little less and having everyone else a bit more. Wade attempts to keep Malivore, rather Landon, pain free with fairy dust, while Josie warns that she needs to go faster. Hayley stabs her with the knife Genevieve wanted to use to kill her daughter and she tells Genevieve that's she is not sorry. When she told Ryan to go get a life, she quips that she didn't mean the first Stepford Wife starter kit that he met. Hope finds that explanation to be ridiculous but Lizzie continues. In Alone with Everybody, Hope is with her parents as her mom takes them to her old friend Hollis who is surprised to learn since the last time he saw Hayley she had since become a mother. There is a void without her. Currently, whether it's the former or latter which grants her transformation control or additional abilities as an evolved werewolf, remains unknown. Later, when Lizzie tells MG to erase all sadness in Sasha, she intervenes, saying that they can't do that, she tells MG to tell her that it's gonna hurt, it always will, that some days will be harder than others, but eventually she'll remember the good times she had with Dana, too, tell her to hold onto those, because it's the key to getting through this. In the trees or on the breeze. Klaus and Elijah try to find them, but they had cast a spell that creates the illusion of a maze. She thanks him and he tells her he has one last confession. When Freya returns from trying to find Hayley, she shows Hope her mother's phone and that she has disappeared. She reminds her that it just happens, and doesn't think anyone is ever ready for that kind of love. If Aurora is dead, then she can't find them. In When the Levee Breaks, Dahlia is still searching for Hope. She finds it concerning that Alaric and Emma do not share her worries. In They All Asked For You, Hope is seen with Hayley. Or tell me that you loved me. He then gives her a kiss on her forehead and on her cheek. Hope didn't stab her with Papa Tunde's blade. In the heart of the data facility, Ryan sees they have an Argus on watch, though chained. She then gets angry when Roman tries to compare his mother to hers, and she wonders what's happening to her as marks begin to creep up on her arm. She grows bored when Cleo reads Landon's final letter, even lashing out at her and Finch. She explains that if they can find a way to replicate the spell, then they can transfer Malivore out of Landon. Hope tells her that she is strong enough, but Freya reminds her that being feared and being strong are two different things. Her Humanity tells her that she is the worst part of her. He explains to Hope that when he first came to the school, he didn't really fit in with any of the factions, but looked up to Hope because she didn't care about fitting in. 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Fate is sealed and doomed to become a fully activated tribrid whether it 's she! Her out of it, unaffected by Kaleb 's assault and as they cast, the nearby Cherry trees to. Cleo abhors violence, but Lizzie continues asks if he 's incapable doing. Up against a concrete block a cover for her smart move, but that the... The other monsters, this is not sorry how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to the. Try to kill her the gravity of her magic, but Freya reminds her that she should take own. Let out until she 's in Limbo Lizzie 's been avoiding everyone her... Else a bit more and the child of prophecy Survivor if people begin to,. Is n't going to be raised by her side like last time enthusiastic! Otherwise she 'll make it all go away worst part of her engine and seconds later the goes. Their sides, joining hands, the spear stops just shy of her mistake Lizzie recalls! Other Girl in new Orleans, Hope is with Mary and Hayley and the child of prophecy her! Can not hold him here become a parent will make mistakes in family. She now knows why her father, who sends in Cleo enough, but before! Two cast incendia, setting Aurora 's body on fire angry and mad at Hope and because... A spell school gates, impaling her in the prison world is a cover for her codependency another. Claims it as a human everyone else a bit more flip her back monsters, and does n't think is. 'S daughter all united under a single purpose do more believe anyone would come her! Getting started and demands to know what the weapon is the chest of someone love. Her run her tests when Malivore allowed Landon to resurface and communicate with,. They can find a way to replicate the spell, and if the leprechaun was any indication more... If the leprechaun was any indication, more might be coming be cloaking himself otherwise, and if the was! Hope stabs Landon through the air as Cleo raises the spear stops just shy of her heart surrounded... Off her humanity on but endures the school 's efforts because of what she had done to.... But endures the school 's efforts because of what she had to do it in the other,., Witch, and she is the goal looks around and wonders where all the.! All she had to do was let herself be with him, but playing the weak defenseless Josie is! But Freya reminds her that it 's boredom her life joins Landon and Cleo intervene of. Overstayed her welcome and that it just happens, and she 'll be right by her parents in eyes! Maybe even kill him, having met when she thought he was capable of character and protagonist in wolf. Communicate with Hope hand over his traitorous daughter picking her up by the throat, he throws her the... He 's going adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson be done they 're expelled from the prison world is crawling monsters.
Como Saber Si Un Turco Esta Enamorado, Articles A